What is Stress?

Stress is the body’s way of responding to the demands of life.

The Science of Stress: Float Away the Tension

This can be caused by both positive and negative experiences. Everyone experiences different levels of stress.

For some, this stress helps them get through dangerous situations. For others, this stress leads to serious health problems and an overall lesser quality of life.

Stress can be caused by a wide variety of things. There is physical stress and emotional.

Survival stress comes from any situation in which the body believes there is danger. This could be a physical confrontation or the need to leave an area quickly.

Internal stress is caused when the mind dwells on what it can’t control. For example, individuals who worry about the future, their health and finances suffer from internal stress.

Stress due to fatigue and excess work is very common in today’s hectic lifestyle. Working long hours and being unable to unplug due to technology can lead to a constant feeling of stress.

If someone suffers from this kind of stress, they need to learn how to make time for rest and relaxation again.

Why is it Dangerous?

Stress is actually one of the most dangerous toxins known to the human body.

Stress can actually slow down the immune system.

Wounds become slower to heal and the body has more difficulty fighting off infections.

Chronic, or constant, stress can increase the thickness of the artery walls.

This leads to higher blood pressure and even heart disease.

The list of side effects from stress is seemingly never ending.

When the body experiences more stress than relaxation, proper measures should be taken to prevent serious damage.

This can be done through several different types of therapies, including REST, or Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy.

This therapy is completed by floating in a float tank.

How Does Floating Help?

Floating can provide an impressive list of benefits that can help to both rid the body of current stress and prevent stress from developing in the future.

Floating releases endorphins, which help the entire body to feel more positive. When you have a healthy release of endorphins, stress is unable to survive.

Floating also promotes intense relaxation. When the body is in a deep state of relaxation, stress tends to disappear.

Just as light can’t exist with darkness, stress can’t exist with relaxation.

This therapy can also help to regulate sleeping patterns. Studies have shown that irregular sleep patterns lead to more stress.

One hour of floating simulates four hours of sleep. Meditation can also help to alleviate stress.

While floating, deep levels of medication can be easily achieved. Floating often provides an individual with deep self-discovery experiences.

The Science of Stress: Float Away the Tension
Is Floating Ideal for Everyone?

Just like any other therapy, there is no guarantee that floating will work for everyone. The floater needs to embrace the concept and be willing to let the therapy take over.

For some people, several sessions need to be completed before their body will open up to the treatment.

If someone is completely open to floating, their individual experience can vary. Some will experience physical relaxation while others can experience epiphanies and experiences that can be described as out of body or spiritually transforming.

The only way to know if floating is an effective treatment is to give it a try. Before entering the tank, clear your mind and allow the therapy to do its job.

Give floatation a chance to change your life.